[The 6th Nuclear International Cooperation Webinar]
Recently, as the role of Science and Technology (S&T) has been accentuated as an effective tool to respond the international threats such as COVID-19 and climate change, "Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) for SDGs" is getting more attention. As the UN specialized agency, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has been putting efforts into achieving the SDGs by utilizing nuclear S&T. Therefore, many countries apply nuclear S&T to meet their economic and social development objectives and the SDGs thanks to IAEA's Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP). In this regard, Korea Nuclear International Cooperation Foundation (KONICOF) would like to host a webinar to raise awareness about nuclear S&T’s contribution to the SDGs by introducing best practices of Southeast Asian countries to Korean stakeholders.
Moreover, it encourages collaboration between IAEA and Korean public and private stakeholders in the related fields. ㅇ Theme: Korea and Southeast Asia’s Efforts to Achieve the UN SDGs through Peaceful Application of Nuclear S&T ㅇ Date/Time: JAN 10 (Tue) 2023, 16:00~18:00 (KST)
(=12:30~14:30 in India = 13:00~15:00 in Bangladesh = 14:00~16:00 in Indonesia = 15:00~17:00 in the Philippines) ㅇ Mode: Online Webinar (via ZOOM) ㅇ Moderator: Dr. Woosung LEE (CEO, Research Institute of Sustainable Technology & Innovation) ㅇ Keynote Speaker: Dr. Jane Gerardo-Abaya (Director, Department of Technical Cooperation Asia and Pacific Division, IAEA) ㅇ Presenters - (For Goal 2) Dr. Mirza Mofazzal Islam (Director-General, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture) - (For Goal 3) Dr. Jung Young KIM (Senior Researcher, Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Science) - (For Goal 6) Dr. Fifi Nurfiana (Senior Researcher, Indonesia National Nuclear Research Institute ) - (For Goal 13) Dr. Angel BAUTISTA (Senior Researcher, Philippine Nuclear Research Institute) ㅇ Contact - Ms. Ji Yun PARK, Research Associate, KONICOF (+82-42-867-0196 / jypark@konicof.or.kr) - Jieun LEE, Research Associate, KONICOF (+82-42-867-0182 / jelee@konicof.or.kr)